Our Story

Be Informed. Be Smart. Be Sure.
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Working Hours

Monday - Friday 09:00AM-17:00PM
Saturday - Sunday CLOSED

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Our Team

With our many years of experience, West Texas Title offers the level of quality customer service you deserve.

With our many years of experience, West Texas Title offers the level of quality customer service you deserve.  You’ll receive the personal attention you’re looking for at West Texas Title. We’re happy to be the smallest title company in town, because that lets us know you, your history, and your real estate needs.  When you step inside our office you’re more than a customer to us – you’re part of our family.  Every transaction and every client matters to every one of our employees.

Nancy Floyd



No one who interviews for their first job at a title company has any idea what they’re getting into — odds are you’ll either leave after the first day or be there for the next 40 years.  I answered an ad for a receptionist at a local title company in 1977 as a newly-minted graduate of TTU and never looked back.  I’ve had the opportunity to work in both the title and escrow sides of the business in residential, farm and ranch,  and commercial transactions and appreciate the challenge of following the rules and making a closing come together.  Personal interests include reading just about anything, gardening, architecture, and puzzles of any kind.

Judy Ancell 

10 years

Sarah Olguin 

Assistant Title Examiner
5 years

Jay Davis

5 years